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Avive Connect AED

The Avive Connect AED, contains an Avive AED® defibrillator with an Avive Connect factory-installed to provide a powerhouse of connectivity. It is the lightest, smallest, and most portable FDA approved AED available.


4 Key Features of the Avive AED

1. Bilingual Button: Avive Connect AED offers a bilingual language selection between English and Spanish by simply pressing the Español button at the top of the device.
2. Child Button & Universal Electrode Pads: Universal electrode pads for both child and adult. Simply select Adult or Child mode to respond to patients over one year old using the same set of electrode pads.
3. AED Size & Weight: Only 2.1 pounds, ultra portable 
4. REALConnect™ Management Software: Avive’s proprietary REALConnect Platform is powered by cellular, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and GPS technologies. Assists with AED management with quick text or email notifications for AED health status changes, like low battery or device temperature.
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